Birthdays on 1969-12-23
Time, asdf1248, Abby25, Lowseling, mickel23foy, hostingfuze, mk007, x9Nation, joe872sm98, Berserker, tattaman12, finance1126, Crucifixfist, CrazyPinguim, emulmans (4 Years Old), AUDI-A4, CB1611, jonik21, chyllyphylly, sinbad (15 Years Old), nikola25000, kinhping2, antykelblag (10 Years Old), william98, frankthetech (12 Years Old), chanthar, splint33, Dalekk, kingcool52, gummilatexrubber (2 Years Old), tunyus, I Am JT, mofeu, Ikerepc, `HAt, FilthyFletch, deklinge, couponsgrid, vickybabe29, Krimbo, YIPMAN, BYQDN, Smithbrainer, theo1977, jampie85, situnrocks, boamtamfans, jsnull (15 Years Old), xhd.ghost, sixtus11, reza.afshinmehr, Poly, RenaN, stand777 (4 Years Old), dusty459, Mon3teR, newmembermybb, dvddvd, Vark123, ItzMatrix, Robert2267, server_netherlands, lioncommunity, digifessor (11 Years Old), adan, HAUPTNER, guiwald, worldhax, neochiz, jeanchen545, Sammiie, buio2005 (4 Years Old), Lyralightz, DIEMKIEUVGG, ReyKenobae, GameSter, Sertap - 9 Hidden

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