///////////////////////////////////////////////// BlueBulletin Theme for MyBB By: Vintagedaddyo at: http://www.slodesignz.com Based off MyBulletin By: P@trick at: http://www.MyBBDesign.com ///////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Installation: 1.) After downloading the Theme unpack it (with WinRAR for example) 2.) Upload contents of "images" into your forums image folder. 3.) Upload contents of "inc" folder into your forums "inc" folder. 4.) Upload contents of "jscripts" folder into your forums "jscripts" folder. 5.) Upload the entire folder called "Blue_Bulletin" into your forums images folder. 6.) Go to the Admin Control Panel under Themes > Select Import Theme 7.) Search for the XML File titled "BlueBulletin-theme.xml" in the theme folder found on your computer and click the Button "Import Theme" this will upload the file from your computer to your forum. 8.) Now have fun with your forum! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Note: The top menu is already setup to allow for the rules plugin and download plugin found at: http://mods.mybboard.net/ If you would like to change those links to other plugin links follow these simple steps: 1.) Login to "Admin Control Panel" 2.) Now find Templates and select "Modify/Delete" 3.) Then look for "BlueBulletin Templates" and select "Expand" 4.) Now find "header" and select "Edit" 5.) Scroll through code until you find the following code: Begin Code: Search Rules {$lang->toplinks_help} Member List {$lang->toplinks_calendar} Downloads $admincplink user['uid']> 0 $lang->welcome_logout End Code: 7.) Ok where you find the link for "Downloads" and "Rules".., you can replace with your own plugin linkage and text. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// History: - 4/17/07 Updated ReadMe.txt Also added favico.ico Version 1.2.5 - first release ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////